Simon is the managing attorney of Tolbert Law Office, PLLC. His background is primarily in natural resource law, and originally started the firm as a natural resources boutique law firm, which has expanded into related general areas of contracts, real property, and trust & estate law. As such, he considers himself more as a general practitioner than a specialist which allows him to bring solutions to clients that have a multitude of issues.
Andy is a senior landman with Tolbert Law Office, PLLC. Andy grew up in the Oregon timber country and is an avid Oregon Ducks fan. He obtained his bachelor of science in geological sciences from the University of Oregon, Eugene.
Chris is a Landman with Tolbert Law Office, PLLC. Chris lived most of his life in Colorado where he obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the Colorado State University.
Michelle is an Administrative & Marketing Manager with tolbert law office, PLLC. Michelle has her Degree in Psychology from Cal State Fullerton, and has over ten years of experience working as an office administrator/executive assistant.